Women in Motherhood: Genncoco

My name is Gen, I am 29, mom of 2 (Milo, 5 & Mia, 4 months). 

I reside in New Jersey but I was born and raised in Brooklyn. 

I currently co host/own a motherhood podcast, The Motherloving Podcast, assist in running a photo studio for creatives and dibble in a few other things like social media branding and helping curate and consult in creative events and shoots. 

I always make sure to make time for myself whether it be self care or diving into creative projects. I find when I am able to work on my creative outlets, I am at my best. Feeling motivated and accomplished truly helps me show up for my kids. I want to always be an example of happiness and fulfillment to my kids. I also make sure to always check in with my community. As cliche as it sounds, it truly does take a village and having solid community of friend has truly helped me. I didn’t realize the importance of having a social life until years after I had my son.